chevron_rightHow can I pay my assessments? The easiest way to pay your assessment is through the Alliance Bank portal, you can access the portal here.To set up your Valley Vista payment account, log into the portal and select "add a property", then use the below information to add your payment account:Management ID: 6675Association ID: 591Your Account Number- found on your statementNickname: Valley Vista-CCMCOnce the property is added, you can schedule a one-time or recurring payment.*Please note: Some subdivisions also use Alliance Bank for their payments, be sure to confirm which HOA you are paying when submitting a payment through the portal.You can also pay your assessment by mailing a check to:Valley Vista HOAC/O CCMCPO Box 93327Las Vegas, NV 89193*Please be sure to include your account number on the check to ensure your payment is applied properly.
chevron_rightHow much are the monthly assessments for Valley Vista Community Association? The 2024 Budget was ratified on November 29, 2023. After further review, it was revised in July 2024. Beginning August 1, 2024, the Valley Vista Community Association assessment decreased to $57.00 per month.Assessments apply to all 14 subdivisions within Valley Vista and the commercial and rental property owners.Assessments are due on the 1st of each month, and late fees are applied on the 30th of each month.A copy of the REVISED 2024 Budget is available here.
Common Area
chevron_rightCan I reserve the picnic area at the park? The Valley Vista parks, sport courts, and picnic areas are available on a first-come first-serve basis.
Community Standards
chevron_rightAre there any rental restrictions in Valley Vista? Yes, per Valley Vista’s Rules & Regulations, owners may not lease their home for a period less than six (6) months. All leases must be in a writing and a copy of the lease must be provided to Valley Vista Community Association. The owner is responsible for the actions of guests, invitees, tenants, tenants’ family, and tenants’ guest(s).
chevron_rightCan I request an extension to correct a violation? Yes, you can submit a request for extension by using the Smartwebs link included on the violation notice. Requests for extensions longer than 30 days require Board approval.
chevron_rightWhat steps should I take if I disagree with a violation notice I have received? Valley Vista compliance matters are processed through Smartwebs. All violation notices include a link to Smartwebs that will take you to the violation web page. From there, you can respond to the notice, provide photos of a corrected violation, ask questions to clarify the violation, or view the current violation status.
chevron_rightWhere can I get a Design Review Committee (DRC) Form? Valley Vista is excited to announce DRC Applications can now be completed online! To apply, use the button below to access the online application, find your home, enter your project information, and attach the required documents. Once complete, the application can be submitted for Board review.Please remember, any exterior changes to your home require an approved ARC application from both your Subdivision, and Valley Vista prior to starting any work.For any questions about ARC applications or the process, please contact ValleyVistaARC@ccmcnet.com.
chevron_rightCan I begin work on my property before receiving Design Review approval? In short, no. Owners should not make any changes to their homes' exterior without design review approval from their subdivision and Valley Vista. To clarify:1. Violation of HOA Rules: Making changes to your property without approval is a violation of the HOA's governing documents. Violating these rules may result in fines, penalties, or the requirement to revert the changes to their original state.2. Risk of Rejection: If you proceed with modifications before obtaining approval, there's a risk that the Board may reject your proposed changes. This could result in additional time and expenses to rectify the application.3. Legal Implications: Depending on the nature of the modifications and local regulations, proceeding without approval may also have legal implications, such as fines imposed by local authorities for non-compliance with building codes or zoning regulations.4. Community Harmony: Working without design approval can disrupt community harmony and cohesion, as it may create tension or disputes with neighbors who expect adherence to the established guidelines.
chevron_rightWhat is the Design Review Application Process? Step 1. Apply to your subdivision: Homeowners interested in making architectural changes or improvements to their property will first need to apply to your subdivision and receive approval.Step 2. Submission of Application to Valley Vista: Once subdivision approval is received, you will then submit an application to Valley Vista online here. This application will need to include the application and approval from your subdivision, plans, specs, and material samples.Step 3. Review: The Board of Directors reviews the submitted application to ensure that the proposed changes comply with Valley Vista's design guidelines and governing documents based on factors such as aesthetics, materials, size, color, placement, and impact on neighboring properties. This period can take up to 45 days, we ask that homeowners plan accordingly.Step 4. Decision: Based on their review, the Board will either approve, deny, or request modifications to the proposed changes. Approval may be conditional upon meeting certain requirements or making specific adjustments.Step 5. Notification to Homeowner: The homeowner is emailed a decision, along with any conditions or modifications required for approval. If the application is denied, the homeowner receives reasons for the denial and possible guidance on how to revise the proposal for reconsideration.For any assistance with your application or to obtain additional information, please contact ValleyVistaARC@ccmcnet.com
chevron_rightWhat is the timeline for the Design Review process? How long does it take to receive a decision? Valley Vista has a 45-day turnaround time for applications; this does not include the subdivision approval process. Valley Vista applications may not take the full 45 days to process but a sooner decision cannot be guaranteed. We recommend planning your project to accommodate the 45-day timeline.
chevron_rightWhen do I need to submit Design Review Application? Design review applications are required for any exterior changes to the home. This includes but is not limited to:
- Exterior Painting: If homeowners plan to change the exterior color of their home.
- Landscape Changes: Significant landscaping changes, such as adding new trees, installing fences, or constructing hardscape features like patios, pools, or decks.
- Exterior Fixtures or Features: Installation of items like satellite dishes, surveillance cameras, solar panels, exterior lighting fixtures, awnings, or sheds.
- Window or Door Replacement: Changing the style, color, or material of windows or doors.
- Driveway or Walkway Additions: Constructing new driveways, walkways, or other paved areas.
- Home renovations: Any structural changes to the exterior of the home, such as additions, extensions, or significant alterations.
If you are unsure if a Design Review Application is needed, please contact Management to confirm.
chevron_rightWhere can I obtain vehicle gate codes or remotes? Valley Vista does not maintain any vehicle gates in the community. For inquiries regarding vehicle gates or access, please contact your subdivision directly.
chevron_rightCan I attend board meetings? When are they held? Yes, homeowners are encouraged to attend Board meetings! Board meeting information is typically sent out alongside the monthly statement. We also include the information in the weekly newsletters and here on the community website.
chevron_rightWhat insurance does the HOA carry? Am I required to have additional insurance? The master insurance blanket policy for Valley Vista contains coverage for association owned property. The costs are distributed to all units within the community as a part of the monthly assessment. The association policy does not cover any personal property, window and wall coverings, items not attached or part of the building, and any special owner-installed improvements. The association policy does not contain any coverage for extra expense or loss of use for the individual owner. Therefore, each owner of a multi-family unit will still need to purchase their own (HO6) individual homeowners’ insurance policy. All non-attached single-family homes in Valley Vista must purchase their own (HO3) homeowners’ insurance policy as Valley Vista does not cover any portion of a non-attached single-family home.Your subdivision will also carry insurance. Their policy may be more relevant to your specific property, especially if you own an attached home. Valley Vista recommends providing your insurance agent with a copy of both HOA policies when obtaining a quote for your personal homeowner's insurance policy.